It’s so crazy for me to think of the fact that I’m going on thirteen years of woking with hundreds of amazing women as a professional Boudoir Photographer. Despite the fact that such a statement shows my age, I am so incredibly proud of my team, myself, the countless women’s lives we have impacted and the outstanding artwork we have created. It’s truly a dream and I give thanks every. single. damn. day. for this beautiful, immensely fulfilling life I have created for myself.
I therefore think it’s fair to say that I’ve not only earned the right to have my own yearly Boudoir Shoot, but that it’s vital to the success of my business. I mean seriously, if you never climb into your client’s shoes how will you ever know how they feel, what they are thinking and how you can ease their fears/anxieties? These are facts, people. Facts.
With all of that said, I just wanted to share a few of the images from my most recent Boudoir Shoot in order to not only inspire others, but just to flat out celebrate myself. It’s been a hard year on many levels, and nothing says self care like stepping out of one’s pain and into one’s power.
Ready to consider your own day of self love and empowerment? Let’s chat about it…