A few years ago I created a list of the most common mistakes I believe women make when preparing for a Boudoir Session…or when preparing to even consider the possibility of a Boudoir Session. I will break down all seven points into a series of emails in order to shed light onto some of the fear that may surround the idea of experiencing a photo shoot of your very own.
So let’s get into this…
Well, let me tell you that 99% of the women I photograph are definitely crazy nervous before their photo shoot. In fact, I might be a little concerned if they weren’t! It’s a pretty big deal to get in front of a camera, period…but even more so in one’s lingerie or less! But look, those butterflies are not only an indication of how important this experience is to you, but those flutters also bring to light that individual fears and vulnerabilities are being faced and embraced…and that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.
So how do you actually get over these fears? Well, I hate to say it, friends, but they only way out is through.
What I mean by this is that just as in any other scenario in life, we have to face our fears head on, hold ourselves steady and walk through the fire.
Fear is a mechanism that helps us to avoid physical/emotional harm or death, yet we often use it to stay comfortable – to avoid challenges. But you know what? Growth and comfort do not coexist. If you’re not careful, your fears and insecurities can trick you into a mediocre life.
Stop wasting your precious energy to imagine what can go wrong, instead of having faith in what can go right. A little dramatic? Maybe…but maybe not. One thing is for certain though, I have been through these trepidations in my own life and through working with hundreds of women and can proudly say that not a single one of these beautiful human beings has walked out of the studio regretting walking in. And that is the truth, ladies.
So let’s dig a little deeper here and move on to a few more factors that may make one feel nervous prior to a Boudoir shoot…
- I WON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE OR TRUST THE PHOTOGRAPHER: This is very important. Choose your photographer carefully. Take your time. Follow them online, connect with their past clients, pay attention to what their brand represents.
- I WILL LOOK SILLY AND NOT SEXY: While we definitely will laugh A LOT during session, I can guarantee you that you will shock yourself. You will see yourself in a completely different context (and I don’t mean silly) and that, my friends, is a very powerful thing.
- WHAT WILL OTHERS THINK OF ME?: Well first of all…who. cares?! And second of all, no one has to know a thing unless you want them to. You are in complete control of your imagery. I’m a professional and have contracts to protect you and your comfort level, so no worries. Promise.
- I WON’T LIKE MYSELF IN THE PICTURES: Moving on because this has NEVER happened in a Boudoir Session. EVER. Seriously.
- I’M TOO OLD FOR THIS: And to this I say: Pshhhhhttttt! Fun fact: one of my most favorite sessions to date was an elegant woman in her 70’s who pranced around the studio in nothing but a fur coat. It was amazing and her confidence is something I aspire to embody.
Stay tuned for the next blog in this series and remember, what you’re not changing you’re choosing.