What is Sisterhood?
“For nearly all of human history, we have lived together in community, supporting one another. No matter what we were going through – good times or sad – there would be other women there to support, celebrate, encourage and care for us. When women come together to celebrate and support one another, shame and insecurity are brought into the light, and we work together for healthier communities and a better future. Sisterhood is the supportive structure that holds all of life together.”
In light of today being Global Sisterhood Day and having built a business from the ground up that supports and encourages women to build their self confidence and belief in themselves, we are opening up the studio for a very limited number of Boudoir/Beauty Mini Sessions in April and May. There will be two sessions offered each day, so snag up your beastie and book yourselves a girl day!
– Pre-session phone consultation
– Professional hair + makeup
– Body coaching + posing
– Complimentary refreshments
– Next day online gallery
– 8 fully re-touched final images
DO YOU HAVE TO BRING A FRIEND?: Not at all! But it’s definitely more fun with a friend!
WHAT’S THE COST: $849 (due at booking)
HOW TO SIGN UP: Jump over here and snag up your spot!