I can’t express in words how much I love what happens in the studio. This is typically how it goes: a woman arrives to her session in a mixed state of excitement and nervousness, unsure of what to expect and how to be. After spending time in the makeup chair, chatting and laughing, the nerves dissipate and all that remains is excitement. We get into our flow, we are having fun, she is feeling beautiful, her self confidence soars. As our time together comes to an end and after a big hug I watch this amazing woman walk out of the studio in a calm, relaxed state; I see a new bounce in her step. Shortly after I receive a thank you email with extra exclamation points and smiley faces.
This is a truly transformational experience to witness; every part of my being thrives within it and I am full of gratitude and joy each and every time I am allowed to be a part of the process. Because this isn’t about hair and makeup (although that part is fabulous)…it’s about facilitating an experience that helps women feel good about themselves, comfortable in their own skin, connected and ultimately showing them their potential to shine…from the inside out.
You are beautiful…let me show you.
This is the beautiful lady I work with!! Such beautiful pictures and wonderful work shown here!!! 🙂
Thank you, Jess!
I\’ve said it before, and I\’ll say it again. Thank you, thank you, thank you. <3
You are so very welcome!xo