Awe hell, ladies…this is about to be a heavy blog post, I can feel it. I promise not to quote flowery sediments or self love memes (in this post anyways), but instead get knee high in real talk. It’s ride or die, girlfriends…so let’s get dirty…
So the dreaded question of all questions…what do you love about yourself? So let’s get real…why in the holy f**k is this this such a daunting question? In a perfect world where we are all secure and properly attached, this wouldn’t even be a situation as we would all be waltzing through our days knowing, without a doubt, that we are valuable, lovable and that nothing anyone else could say or do to us would mean sh*t. Sadly though, this is not the case. In contrast, most of us drag ourselves through the days with a constant barrage of sabotaging negative self talk that ultimately holds us back from being the absolute best versions of ourselves.
Let’s just take a step back here. If for one second you think I am immune from this game because I am typing out these words or because I shoot beautiful imagery of women feeling and looking amazing for a living, let me just set the record straight…I am NOT. However, I constantly strive for a bigger perspective of who I am and what my purpose is in this life.

But I digress…unfortunately, we are currently in a societal thinking of negatively comparing ourselves to all that “is better” than us; we simply call this sh*t storm human nature. Well I’m sorry, not sorry, but I call BS. I can’t buy into the idea that this is how we were meant to live. Now, while I do understand that this framework of thinking most definitely does not shine a beacon of light on our inner worlds, it does, however, provide us with a point of connection with others as well as a springboard for individual change. And therein lies our point of refuge; our point of self grace and ultimate recovery from wrong thinking.
So what in the actual hell do I mean by that last sentence? This is what I mean: if we can see through the stigmas (in other words: not being Instagram, Pinterest or parenting perfect), as just being what they are (lies, lies and more lies), then we can drop the weight these ideals place on us and finally embrace who we truly are: independent Mom bods, mouthy, sexually free, imperfectly perfect woman! Embrace the sh*t out of it, girlfriend!

With all of that said, I can’t possibly ask YOU to note all the things (or at least a few) that you love about yourself without being vulnerable myself. So let’s do this:
I love my unwillingness to give up on love despite my very personal and profound experiences with heartache and loss because I understand there are lessons I need to learn with each and every encounter I face and I am ultimately not afraid to wear my heart on my sleeve.
I love my body. Sure, it’s no longer a twenty something body, but nor do I want it to be! I have given life to three amazing human beings, I enjoy food and drinks and I refuse to withhold these sources of joy from my life just in order to fit into an unrealistic mold set forth by advertisements and social media.
I love my mind and the way it works despite the hang ups I have to keep in check. (hello therapy!)
I love my femininity. Period.
I love my sense of humor although it’s sarcastic and misunderstood at times.
I love my unwavering desire to help women grow beyond their self limiting beliefs and societal standards despite the fact that I still have my own personal struggles.
I could go on an on, but I’d so much rather hear about what you love about yourself. Drop a comment below or shoot me an email and spill the beans, girlfriend! I’d love to hear from you!