I strive to create high quality, compelling and attractive professional images in and around the Asheville, North Carolina area. When considering why professional head shots are important, here are a few points to keep in mind:
Regardless of the circumstance, (employer, employee, artist, model, etc.), a professional portrait will tell the viewer that you are, in fact, a professional. As much as we all love candid pictures taken with a cell phone, when presenting yourself in business you want to make the very best first impression possible. You represent your brand and if you care enough about your brand to present yourself with creative, authentic, high quality images, it will not go unnoticed.
The internet is where most professional and a whole lot of personal relationships begin. It’s in everybody’s best interest if you present yourself authentically. Whether you want to be seen as friendly, kind, serious, funny or outgoing, it can be done with a photograph. Because let’s face it, first impressions can make it or brake it.
It doesn’t matter if you are self-employed, an executive CEO, an artist or single man or woman wanting to make a connection through online services, you want an edge over your competition, you want to stand out and you want to put your best foot forward. Professional portraits demand attention and will always be taken more seriously than a snapshot. Always.
People crave human connection and they want to know who the people are behind a business or personal profile. More often than not people will purchase from companies who they feel a connection to over those they do not. Showing people who you are is simply doing good business. Likewise, mixing in beautiful, thoughtful, professional portraits into an online dating profile will increase your visibility and response rates. Showing people yourself at your very best is simply a good idea.
Need a little more convincing? No worries…jump over here to see some previous Headshot Sessions!