Over the course of my career as a professional photographer I have been asked numerous times if I offer a Mentorship Program. While tossing the thought on the back burner and kindly declining all requests has been my typical MO, I am now at a place where I feel well prepared to take on students.
As a self taught photographer, entrepreneur, designer and marketer, I understand first hand the difficulties involved in building a business. Like big time. There are so many layers involved in the pursuit of this particular career choice including the technicals aspects of learning how to operate one’s gear (I’m talking manual mode here, people), understanding light, business 101 basics, (minor legalities like necessary forms, bookkeeping and paying taxes), post-processing images, image reveal, final product display, social media connection, cohesion and influence, working not only with the human body to create flattering forms, but also working with different personalities and comfort levels, as well as the absolutely necessary skill of building trust and connection in a vulnerable situation. There is also another very important aspect that must be addressed before one can get moving in the right direction: fear. And that my fellow photographer friends, is a biggie, and one that I’m fairly well versed in feeling, facing and overcoming in business.
With all of that said, my Mentorship Program is for the photographer who already understands her gear, light and the basics of business because quite honestly, I am not interested in sitting down and chatting about legal forms, taxes or ISO settings. I’m just not. But what I am passionate about sharing is my ability to create connection, comfort and trust with my clients, how to pose the human body in a flattering way, post-processing workflow, image reveal and display and social media branding.
While I may have learned each and every aspect of my business by trial and error, you don’t have to. I can guide you. If you are comfy with your gear on manual mode, have a grip on business basics, live within a 50 mile radius outside of Asheville, North Carolina and want my guidance as a Headshot, Beauty, Boudoir and Branding Photographer, my Mentorship Program is for you. Let’s chat about it.