Amy Raymond of Inspired by Amy came to me for updated headshots for her Lifestyle + Consultation business. Her website is currently getting a major makeover, but I couldn’t wait to share her and these images with all of you. From our first conversation on the phone I knew that this was going to be a fun, upbeat session with tons of personality. Amy not only has an impeccable eye for style, but she has a true passion to help women see themselves as beautiful and to appreciate themselves just as they are. And that’s definitely something I can stand behind. Read on to learn more about Amy…

WHAT IS YOUR MISSION STATEMENT?: “Everyone is unique and beautiful where they are right now”
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO START YOUR BUSINESS?: Inspiring and Empowering people, Passion is what drives me and my business! I believe style is something else all together it is a feel. A distinctive way we speak Act or dress. I think of style as effortless. And that can be true for everyone once they can allow themselves to move out of their own way!!We get so caught up on trend! Trendiness does not always make you happy.. I am a body shape expert and I love showing people what they are not doing for them selves from the inside out!! For me is not about a size it’s about a stage and where we are right now!! Don’t miss out on you todayToday is a gift, and far to many times are we in the future or in the past! I was born to show people who they truly are from the inside and to let them know…the time is now !! The present.

WHAT INSPIRES YOU PERSONALLY?: A desire to help people realize that they can be who they are, but in the best possible way. That’s what Inspired by Amy does, gives Women and Men permission to be the unique, beautiful people they are right now!
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO WHEN YOU ARE NOT WORKING?: Playing with my grand baby Tucker 19 months old Pure joy!! Family time playing and always FUN NO MATTER WHAT 😂

WHEN DO YOU FEEL MOST BEAUTIFUL?: A choice Everyday, For me that question is the journey, and I love my journey it is all beautiful good, bad, and in different . I could not be where I am today without all of me!! God has shown me my sparkle and my shine!! And no matter what I will not dull any of me! I choose and love my beauty inside and out!!

Isn’t she awesome?! Amy is available for one on one consulting, public speaking and body positive workshops. Check out her website for more details and contact information.
Ready to update your website with beautiful headshots? Let’s chat about it…