It isn’t uncommon for a person inquiring about a session to ask if I offer discounted pricing if only digital files are purchased. While the answer to this is nope, I think it’s an important enough topic to publicly explain why. I could climb up on my soap box and go on and on and on about what actually goes into the creation of imagery, such as the understanding of one’s camera gear, light, posing and personal connection; the years of trial and error involved in learning and perfecting one’s personal style as well the costs involved with camera gear and running a high end studio. But I won’t go there.
Instead, what I ultimately want people to understand is that all of the work that goes into creating gorgeous, unique, personalized imagery and an unforgettable experience (and confidence boost) is captured in the files. While I firmly believe in the importance of having hard copies made and displayed, and while I know first hand that not all prints are created equally, the truth is, photographic prints are paper and ink. The love, work and possibility to endlessly re-live and re-print the experience is embedded in the files. I hope you can understand and appreciate my perspective on this. xoxo
With all of that said, my pricing does include the digital files of any images purchased in print.
You are beautiful…let us show you.