So you’re thinking about dipping your big toe into the Boudoir waters but fear has a grip on the rest of you? No worries, I’ve compiled a list of 11 of the top questions I receive on the daily. So read on and let the rest of your beautiful body slide right in…it feels ah-mazing!
1. SO WHAT DOES BOUDOIR MEAN ANYWAYS? AND DO I ACTUALLY HAVE TO GET NAKED? Boudoir literally means “a woman’s bedroom or private room” while the genre of Boudoir Photography refers to a style in which women pose for photographs partially clothed, in lingerie or naked. We’ve seen it all, so it’s completely up to you and your comfort level how much clothing you’d like to wear.

2. DO YOU HAVE TO BRING YOUR OWN WARDROBE? Not necessarily, but it is definitely recommended. I do house an assortment of items that everyone is welcome to use including lingerie, coverups, scarves, various pieces of pretty fabrics, shoes and jewelry (and yes, of course pieces are washed once worn). However, because this is such an intimate kind of photography that allows you to either stay within your comfort zone or really stretch your limits and climb right outta there, I definitely recommend bringing items that reflect you and your personal desires. Oh and bring your own underwear, because the thought of sharing undies is just kinda gross.

3. IS HAIR + MAKEUP INCLUDED? Absolutely! I feel like this is such an important piece to these types of sessions. Not only because of the final outcome, (which is always fabulous and definitely adds to the quality of imagery), but because it allows you time to get comfortable with us…to listen to music, sip a beverage, chat and feel cared for. Additionally, this allows you to take the experience home with you and hopefully it will encourage you to plan a date night or girls night out…because you will look fabulous.

4. I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA WHAT TO DO WITH MY BODY PARTS; DO I HAVE TO HAVE MODELING EXPERIENCE? Not at all! This is the part that I really pride myself on. I will take complete control of the situation and give you guidance all the way down to the placement of your pinky finger. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my behind the scenes video to see how serious I am about this.

5. DO YOU SHARE IMAGES ONLINE OR IN THE STUDIO? Again, completely up to you. Some women are honored to have their imagery shared while others prefer their privacy. You will fill out and sign a Model Release agreement prior to your session which will blatantly state what you will/will not allow.

6. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO GET COMFY WITH A FLASH GOING OFF? You don’t have to worry about this in my studio. I have a strong dislike for the use of flash and therefore use natural light as my main light source. If we happen to shoot on an extra overcast day then I may pull out a soft box or two, but these provide additional light at a constant, low level that will not create any discomfort whatsoever.

7. WHY DO PEOPLE EVEN DO THIS? IS IT FOR GIFT GIVING OR JUST TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL GOOD? I’d definitely say the Boudoir Photography is first and foremost about making people feel good; it’s about building confidence and trust in one’s own beauty and strength. The fact that a tangible gift can be created for a significant other to share the experience with is just icing on the cake.

8. WHAT KIND OF GIFTS CAN BE MADE OUT OF THE PICTURES? The possibilities are endless! I offer a variety of products for displaying your images including a beautiful, thick paged, lay flat Book, a unique and personalized Boudoir Babe Magazine, matted prints, canvas wall art, a private mobile app and high resolution digital files.

9. WHAT ABOUT “PROBLEM AREAS”? HOW DO YOU WORK WITH THESE? Look, I get it, we all have certain areas that we may not fully embrace. I have mine too. Again, this is where my expertise in posing comes into play. I tend to work by the thought that we accentuate the features we love and allow the rest to fall into place. We can also choose clothing pieces that work with our bodies. And last but definitely not least, I’ve got a pretty great relationship with Photoshop. No worries, I got this.

10. DO HUSBANDS/BOYFRIENDS HANG AROUND DURING THE SHOOT? So this is a tricky one. Unless he is actually being photographed, 9 out of 10 times, no…especially if the shoot is a secret for gift giving. And even when it has been planned that he will hang out, quite honestly, we tend to kick him out of the studio…gently, of course. It just tends to create too much pressure when partners hang out and in our experience, women immediately relax after their men leave the premises. Nothing personal, it just is what it is.

11. JUST THE THOUGHT OF GETTING INTO MY SKIMPIES IN FRONT OF A STRANGER PUTS ME ON THE VERGE OF A PANIC ATTACK. HOW DO YOU MAKE WOMEN FEEL COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO DO THIS? Honestly, I don’t know. But for whatever reason it is the feedback we get over and over and over again. I suppose we make women feel comfortable because we are women. We are women with insecurities, relationships, children, careers, fears, hopes and dreams. We aren’t any different than you and we will make damn sure you know that. And above all, we have the gift of non-judgement in the studio; we see so, so many different body types and we appreciate the beauty in all of them. And through this seeing and appreciating we are given the gift of seeing and appreciating ourselves. It’s definitely a win win situation for everyone involved in the process.
So there you have it! If you still have questions or concerns or if you’d like more information on a session, reach out and we’ll chat about it!