Regardless of the circumstance, (employer, employee, model, actor, dancer, etc.), a professional headshot will tell the viewer that you are, in fact, a professional. As much as we all love candid pictures taken with a cell phone, when presenting yourself in business you want to make the very best first impression possible. You represent your brand and if you care enough about your brand to present yourself with creative, authentic, high quality images, it will not go unnoticed.
The internet is where most professional relationships begin. Employers look for employees, employees look for employers, models and actors look for agencies, agencies look for models and actors, etc.. Whether you want to be seen as friendly, kind, serious, funny or outgoing, it can be done with a photograph. And let’s face it, first impressions can make it or brake it.
It doesn’t matter if you are self-employed, an executive CEO, a makeup artist or professional baker, you want an edge over your competition, you want to stand out and you want to put your best foot forward. Professional portraits demand attention and will always be taken more seriously than a snapshot. Always.
People crave human connection and they want to know who the people are behind a business. More often than not people will purchase from individuals/companies who they feel a connection to over those they do not. Showing people who you are is simply doing good business.
Ready to update your headshot? Let’s chat!
My name is Hank, I am an Asheville native and my dad and I are in search of professional headshots for our \”LinkedIn\” pages. Anyways I like your work and I would love to work something out with having you take our headshots.
Please let me know if you\’re interested in this- it would just be pretty conservative chest up necktie, collar, blazer plain background kinda deal.
Thank you !
Hank Hodge
I thought this woulda emailed to you- oops
Hi Hank! I would be happy to chat about it. Please use my contact page http://jessecabellemare.com/contact/book-a-photo-session/. Thanks!!